The playful pranks
The naughty tricks
The hide and seek
The fight and weep
The serious look
The world in peril
Worries writ all over
The face of the saviour
The pitter patter of feet
Running all over the place
The hiding of pieces
When the jar hits the floor
The stiffness of thoughts
The upright gait
The benevolent gaze
You look so mighty my friend
The innocent eyes
The forgiving nature
The holding of fingers
Revealing the trust
The harshness of decisions
The sceptre of punishment
The hardening of nature
Partaking the nectar of revenge
Friends everywhere ne'er seen a foe
Fights if any are just for a moment or so
Soon all is forgotten
As in its world, all is easily forgiven
They are both in you
Just look a little deep
Down the road you've travelled
Near a milestone you see it weep
Rush back and hold it
Play with the child within
Appreciate and Humour it
Fret not, for it shall forgive